Wow.. finally Ms. Match manages to open her blog account again. It's a bit weird.. So much has happened. For one, the getting married thing. Next up, getting knocked up straight away :) after that work just got too crazy for a preggie lady with a blog. So she needed to sacrifice something. But, now she is relaxing on her early maternity leave and after 2 weeks of being lazy and lounging around watching countless DVDs, she decides to start again. However, she doesn't quite know what to write about though. Shopping? Nothing exciting. Only baby stuff so far. Super cute baby stuff.
She was surprised to find out how much 'baby stuff' she needed to buy for the baby. Since Ms. Match is totally blind regarding the needs of a newborn baby, she asked one of her good friends who just became a mother to provide her with a list, not that she did not get a full list when she popped in the baby store at ITC Kuningan to do her shopping. There were more than 30 items on the list! Wow.. she didn't know that someone so small would need sooo many things. And the list just keeps growing. Anyway.. enough about baby stuff, what about mommy stuff? It was a bit hard for Ms. Match to come to terms with the bloated image she sees in the mirror everyday. And of course, the image keeps getting bigger everyday! So there is an issue of size when choosing of things to wear. She also needed to say goodbye to her beloved high waisted pants, skitrs, and belly belts. What to wear though??
The amazing thing is that so far she has only bought 1 article of maternity clothing which was a pair of capri jeans that she hardly wore because the elastic was a tad uncomfortable around her constantly growing tummy. After that, lesson learned, she decided to just buy regular clothes (a size or two bigger) and maximize what she has in her closet. This will be discussed at great length at the next post, including tips on how to maximize your wardrobe for pregnancy. Meanwhile she just needs to sort out her pictures for the next post. See you soon!
5 days ago
hi, i like reading your blog. Congrats for your pregnancy, I know exactly how you feel, as i am now on my 7th month of pregnancy :getting very bloaty day to day (what to wear?! maximizing my wardrobe does not seem to help much since i have big legs as well), and trying to create things again. Good luck anyway with the rest of the pregnancy. Hoping to read more on your blog!